Saturday, December 22, 2012

Holidays = Fresh Start

Happy Holidays, all!

Yes, I know...I fell of the Earth in terms of blogging. But, I am finally home for winter break and I am so ready to get back into blogging. This time, my blog is going to take a bit of a turn as far as topics that I talk about. I have been struggling with my weight and with insulin resistance. I've been very depressed about my weight and I have been upset with myself for letting it get to this point. I'm reaching out to my followers for support and love.

The main focus of this blog has been beauty reviews, but how can anyone feel beautiful if they aren't even happy with themselves? I want to be beautiful on the inside and out, and I think that is something that most people want. So, some of my posts on here will still be reviews, but mixed in will also be posts about my weight loss journey and what I have been eating etc.

So, I didn't forget about my blog. In fact, I think about it quite a lot. I just didn't have the time to really be devoted to it. But now I do :)

Love you all

Twitter: @luvbeauty

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